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Saturday, May 02, 2009

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Sports Nutrition - The Role Of Proteins

Another aspect of the athlete's sports nutrition is that of protein. Protein is yet another fundamental building block that you need to incorporate into your diet in the right manner in order to succeed at building your body into an energy producing machine so you can win at your game, whatever that is.

Protein is a necessary element in your diet but you should take note that you do not need to go on an all protein diet by any means.

In fact, too much protein can be detrimental to your actual results.

Again, we can bring back that team. Here, without protein or with not enough protein, your body will have a difficult time building up to the endurance level that it needs.

It will not have enough of what it needs to build muscle tissue so that your workouts are meaningful.

As part of your body's necessary team for success, protein intake should be monitored carefully, especially around your events and competitions.

What's Protein?

Protein comes from most products that are in the meat group. It comes from fish, beef, poultry, pork, lamb, eggs, nuts and dairy products as well.

The amount of protein you eat will vary but it should be consumed at about 15 percent of the total amount of calories that you take in, still a significant amount and right behind that of carbohydrates.

While carbohydrates will be used to provide your body with the energy it needs to go from one place to the next, protein is essential for building the body up so that it has the physical capabilities for that to happen.

Proteins are what give your body the necessary abilities to build new tissue in your body, to repair damaged tissues in your body and to maintain fluids throughout your body.

They do other things as well, but for the athlete, this is the most essential aspect to know.

What is important to note about protein is the body's inability to store excess amounts of protein. Unlike that of the carbohydrate, it can not store it up to use when needed.

The body will use protein for its needs and then it will burn it for energy. If it does not need to use it for this matter, then it will convert the protein into fat and pack it onto your thighs, and everywhere else for that matter.

Therefore, balancing the right amount of protein in your diet is essential to the athlete competing to win.

What Do I Need?

When it comes to protein, there are several things that you need to carefully consider. How much you need is varied depending on these characteristics:

  • What type of exercising are you doing?

  • What level of exercise are you doing in terms of intensity?

  • How long will you be performing these exercises for?

  • The total calories you are consuming also plays a role in how much you should intake.

  • And, this also is dependant on the amount of carbohydrates that you are consuming.

Paul S is passionate about helping people who train hard, work hard, study hard, to stay not just healthy, but at OPTIMAL Level. He is also passionate about sharing the reality about food we eat today as compared to the last 50 years which our forefathers enjoyed. His main site is at

CIGNA Spain Awarded Top Workplace Health Prize - WebWire

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PHILADELPHIA.- CIGNA Spain ( NYSE:CI ) was awarded the prestigious NAOS Prize for having the best health promotion program at the workplace. The award-winning program, CIGNA Plusvita, is a new health management program for the Spanish market and also ...

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Thirty-nine patients with CFS received daily supplements of either Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota or placebo for two months.

International Center For Sports Nutrition

International Center For Sports Nutrition Many people die of diarrhea because of dehydration. Hydration is an important nutrition component to humans, most especially to athletes involved in endurance sports. So the endurance sports nutrition tip from athletes and trainers: drink lots of water before the game.

Hydration is the key to winning endurance sports competition. And drinking water before the game starts puts you in a great headstart.

2. Hydrate yourself regularly during the game.

Drink often during the game. Most endurance sports nutrition guide books will tell you the same thing. Athletes in endurance sports sweat off two quarts of water per hour especially in hot and humid weather. So, you must drink at least four up to eight ounces of water every fifteen to twenty minutes. Sports drink may also replace water.

Here�s some tip that endurance sports nutrition guide books may not have told you: to know when it is time to gulp on your water or sports drink bottle, set your timer to alarm every 15 or 20 minutes within 24 hours.

Freeze your drinking bottles and then pack them up in insulated foams to keep it cool. Even if you don�t sweat still do gulp down the liquid in your drinking bottle. You may not know it and may not notice it but you may have sweat more than you think of.

3. Pack up extra bottles.

Carry more drinking bottles if you can. Don�t be afraid to look like a camel with extra hump at your back. You need all those liquids in your endurance sport. It will keep you going and in shape.
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